Category Archives: ETs

Welcome to Metaphysics Friday

Welcome to Metaphysics Friday! What, you may ask, is Metaphysics Friday?

Let’s start with a definition of “Metaphysics.” Merriam Webster defines metaphysical this way:

“[O]f or relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses. Supernatural.”

Ever since I can remember, I have been interested in all things supernatural. In elementary school, I devoured every book the library had about ghosts and poltergeists. My childhood fascination with the subject continues to this day and finds its way into my writing.
The Akasha Chronicles, my first book series, draws on my deep love of all things metaphysical. Emily has magickal powers and encounters other dimensions and non-human entities. But Emily’s journey is also a spiritual journey. For that layer of the series, I drew heavily on teachings from both ancient and modern wisdom and spiritual philosophy.

For my next series, H.A.L.F., I’m psyched to explore another realm of metaphysical exploration: aliens! I think that ufology, ancient astronaut theory, and the search for extraterrestrials falls into the realm of metaphysics. At least for now as we do not yet have what most would consider “proof.”
Here on my blog on Fridays, I’ll share with readers tidbits from my own metaphysical studies and adventures. I’ll review books and movies that fall into the supernatural or occult realm. I may post interviews of others who have had mystical or supernatural experiences. You may also see spell recipes, interesting research about ETs or UFOs, or anything else that falls into the category of metaphysical.
Do you have a personal story of a metaphysical experience? Do you practice a magickal craft and have a story to tell about how you have manifested intentions? Have you had an experience with a UFO or other unexplained phenomena? Have you seen, heard, or otherwise experienced anything that can be classified as supernatural?
If so and you’d like to share your experience via a recorded video interview, please contact me at NatWritesYA (at) gmail (dot) com. I’d love to hear and share your experience(s) with the world.
Need incentive? Every person that shares their recorded story will get a nifty prize 😉
Stay tuned and please come back each Friday for #MetaphysicsFriday!